The Shoe That Grows

Imagine a shoe that was one size fits all? The torture of finding the most beautiful, perfect pair that is never in your size would be over, and more important than that, thousands of impoverished people all over the world would be the proud owners of a pair of shoes. Well, Kenton Lee founder and director of The shoe that grows, has a solution.  

Whilst working and living in Nairobi, Kenya, he noticed a small girl with shoes that didn’t fit. Kenton, decided to find a solution to this problem, which he realised many children are faced with, with over 2 billion people in the world suffering from soil-transmitted parasites and diseases. Kenton designed a shoe to fit as many children as he could.  The Shoe That Grows is a better solution to help children protect their feet than just regular shoes, shoes that don’t fit, or no shoes at all.  He designed a shoe that essentially grows or adjusts five sizes and last five years – providing better protection and better health.  Currently, they are being distributed in the most needed towns of Ecuador, Haiti, Ghana and Kenya. The shoe that grows project, is the first quest of Because International, a trust that is committed to practical compassion and that listens to those living in extreme poverty to establish their problems, needs, ideas and dreams of a better life. They then aim to create a solution for the ever impacting issues.  


By donating $10 (approx. £6.50), a new pair of these innovative shoes will be given to a child in need, somewhere over the world.  A mere £6.50 here could get you a below average bottle of wine or those chic stud earrings you've been eyeing up, but there, could provide a child with a daily essential that will last them up to 5 years. And then you can treat yourself to the earrings for doing a good deed!  
To find out more, donate and keep up with their next solutions, visit  


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